Eugene Field (Юджин Филд)



O heart of mine! lift up thine eyes
And see who in yon manger lies!
Of perfect form, of face divine—
It is the Christ-child, heart of mine!

O dearest, holiest Christ-child, spread
Within this heart of mine thy bed;
Then shall my breast forever be
A chamber consecrate to thee!

Beat high to-day, O heart of mine,
And tell, O lips, what joys are thine;
For with your help shall I prolong
Old Bethlehem's sweetest cradle-song.

Glory to God, whom this dear Child
Hath by His coming reconciled,
And whose redeeming love again
Brings peace on earth, good will to men!

Eugene Field’s other poems:

  1. Suppose
  2. The Peter-Bird
  3. To Emma Abbott
  4. The Great Journalist in Spain
  5. Mother and Sphinx

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Walter Raleigh (Уолтер Рэли) Hymn (“Rise, O my soul! with thy desires to heaven”)
  • Charles Kingsley (Чарльз Кингсли) Hymn (“Accept this building, gracious Lord”)
  • Edgar Poe (Эдгар По) Hymn (“At morn—at noon—at twilight dim—”)

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