Francis Bret Harte (Фрэнсис Брет Гарт)

The Two Ships

As I stand by the cross on the lone mountain’s crest,
    Looking over the ultimate sea,
In the gloom of the mountain a ship lies at rest,
    And one sails away from the lea:
One spreads its white wings on a far-reaching track,
    With pennant and sheet flowing free;
One hides in the shadow with sails laid aback,--
    The ship that is waiting for me!

But lo! in the distance the clouds break away,
    The Gate’s glowing portals I see;
And I hear from the outgoing ship in the bay
    The song of the sailors in glee.
So I think of the luminous footprints that bore
    The comfort o’er dark Galilee,
And wait for the signal to go to the shore,
    To the ship that is waiting for me.

Francis Bret Harte’s other poems:

  1. ”The Return of Belisarius”
  2. The Ballad of Mr. Cooke
  3. John Burns of Gettysburg
  4. The Birds of Cirencester
  5. On a Pen of Thomas Starr King

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