Frederick William Faber (Фредерик Уильям Фабер)

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Jesus, gentlest Savior,
God of might and power,
thou thyself art dwelling
in us at this hour.

Nature cannot hold thee,
heaven is all too strait
for thine endless glory
and thy royal state.

Out beyond the shining
of the furthest star
thou art ever stretching
infinitely far.

Yet the hearts of children
hold what worlds cannot,
and the God of wonders
loves the lowly spot.

Jesus, gentlest Savior,
dwelling in us now,
fill us full of goodness
till our hearts o'erflow.

Multiply our graces,
chiefly love and fear,
and, dear Lord, the chiefest,
grace to persevere.

Frederick William Faber’s other poems:

  1. To My Reader
  2. Laud’s Devotions
  3. Have Mercy on Us, God Most High
  4. The Will of God
  5. First Love

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