George Gascoigne (Джордж Гаскойн)

Sonnet 5. All were too little for the merchant’s hand

All were too little for the merchant's hand,
And yet my bravery bigger than his book;
But when this hot account was coldly scanned,
I thought high time about me for to look.
With heavenly cheer I cast my head aback
To see the fountain of my furious race,
Compared my loss, my living, and my lack
In equal balance with my jolly grace,
And saw expenses grating on the ground
Like lumps of lead to press my purse full oft,
When light reward and recompense were found,
Fleeting like feathers in the wind aloft.
These thus compared, I left the Court at large,
For why the gains doth seldom quit the charge.

George Gascoigne’s other poems:

  1. Woodmanship
  2. The Steel Glass
  3. The Night Is Near Gone
  4. Sonnet 3. And every year a world my will did deem
  5. The Looks of a Lover Enamoured

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