George Wither (Джордж Уидер)

From a Satire written to King James I

Did I not know a great man's power and might
In spite of innocence can smother right,
Colour his villainies to get esteem,
And make the honest man the villain seem?
I know it, and the world doth know 'tis true,
Yet I protest if such a man I knew,
That might my country prejudice or thee
Were he the greatest or the proudest he,
That breathes this day; if so it might be found
That any good to either might redound,
I unappalled, dare in such a case
Rip up his foulest crimes before his face,
Though for my labour I were sure to drop
Into the mouth of ruin without hope.

George Wither’s other poems:

  1. For Seasonable Weather
  2. On the Death of Prince Henry
  3. A Rocking Hymn
  4. Prelude (From ”The Shepherd’s Hunting”)
  5. The Marigold

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