Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Гилберт Кит Честертон)


The Symbol

The speaking at the Rotary is Praise devoid of Proof
The talking at the Rotary turns mostly on the oof
But both require an Emblem; and a Wheel is just the thing
When you argue in a circle and do business in a Ring.

At a Rotarian Lunch

Broken on another wheel than Rotary
St. Catherine's body set her spirit free
Here rests the body that the soul may squirm
In all joints broken to a jointless worm.

A Declaration of Dependence

The Jeffersonian justice which
Degenerate hucksters quote
Republicans have had by right
Rotarians by rote.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton’s other poems:

  1. Tribute to Gladstone
  2. The New Fiction
  3. Alliterativism
  4. Confessional
  5. This Is the Sort of Book We Like

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