Giles Fletcher the Elder (Джайлз Флетчер Старший)

Licia Sonnets 15

I stood amazed, and saw my Licia shine,
Fairer than Phoeligbus, in his brightest pride,
Set forth in colors by a hand divine,
Where naught was wanting but a soul to guide.
It was a picture, that I could descry,
Yet made with art so as it seemed to live,
Surpassing fair, and yet it had no eye,
Whereof my senses could no reason give.
With that the painter bid me not to muse;
"Her eyes are shut, but I deserve no blame;
For if she saw, in faith, it could not choose
But that the work had wholly been a flame,
"Then burn me, sweet, with brightness of your eyes,
That phoelignix-like from thence I may arise.

Giles Fletcher the Elder’s other poems:

  1. Licia Sonnets 18
  2. Licia Sonnets 20
  3. Licia Sonnets 41
  4. Licia Sonnets 23
  5. Licia Sonnets 39

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