Giles Fletcher the Elder (Джайлз Флетчер Старший)

Licia Sonnets 23

My love was masked, and armed with a fan,
To see the sun so careless of his light,
Which stood and gazed, and gazing waxéd wan
To see a star himself that was more bright.
Some did surmise she hid her from the sun,
Of whom in pride she scorned for to be kissed,
Or feared the harm by him to others done.
But these the reason of this wonder missed,
Nor durst the sun, if that her face were bare
In greatest pride, presume to take a kiss.
But she more kind did show she had more care
Than with her eyes eclipse him of his bliss.
Unmask you, sweet, and spare not; dim the sun;
Your light's enough, although that his were done.

Giles Fletcher the Elder’s other poems:

  1. Licia Sonnets 18
  2. Licia Sonnets 41
  3. Licia Sonnets 39
  4. Licia Sonnets 30
  5. Licia Sonnets 20

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