Giles Fletcher the Elder (Джайлз Флетчер Старший)
Licia Sonnets 49
If that I die, fair Licia, with disdain, Or heartless live surpriséd with thy wrong, Then heavens and earth shall accent both my pain, And curse the time so cruel and so long. If you be kind, my queen, as you are fair, And aid my thoughts that still for conquest strive, Then will I sing and never more despair, And praise your kindness whilst I am alive. Till then I pay the tribute of my tears, To move thy mercy and thy constant truth. Respect, fair love, how these with sorrow wears The truest heart unless it find some ruth. Then grace me, sweet, and with thy favor raise me, So shall I live and all the world shall praise thee.
Giles Fletcher the Elder’s other poems: