Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун)

The Wish for a Chaplet

  Vineleaf and rose I would my chaplet make:
  I would my word were wine for all men's sake.
  Pure from the pressing of the stainless feet
  Of unblamed Hours, and for an altar meet.

  Vineleaf and rose: I would, had I the art,
  Distil, to lasting sweet, Joy's rosy heart,
  That no sere autumn should its fragrance wrong,
  Closed in the crystal glass of slender song.

Helen Gray Cone’s other poems:

  1. The Story of the “Orient”
  2. The Ride to the Lady
  3. Two Moods of Failure
  4. The Glorious Company
  5. The House of Hate

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