Helen Gray Cone (Хелен Грей Коун)

To Sleep

  All slumb'rous images that be, combined,
  To this white couch and cool shall woo thee, Sleep!
  First will I think on fields of grasses deep
  In gray-green flower, o'er which the transient wind
  Runs like a smile; and next will call to mind
  How glistening poplar-tops, when breezes creep
  Among their leaves, a tender motion keep,
  Stroking the sky, like touch of lovers kind.

  Ah, having felt thy calm kiss on mine eyes,
  All night inspiring thy divine pure breath,
  I shall awake as into godhood born,
  And with a fresh, undaunted soul arise,
  Clear as the blue convolvulus at morn.
  —Dear bedfellow, deals thus thy brother, Death?

Helen Gray Cone’s other poems:

  1. The Story of the “Orient”
  2. The Ride to the Lady
  3. Two Moods of Failure
  4. The Glorious Company
  5. The House of Hate

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • John Keats (Джон Китс) To Sleep (“O SOFT embalmer of the still midnight”)
  • Alice Meynell (Элис Мейнелл) To Sleep (“Dear fool, be true to me!”)

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