Henry Kendall (Генри Кендалл)

Poems and Songs (1862). Stanzas

The sunsets fall and the sunsets fade,
 But still I walk this shadowy land;
And grapple the dark and only the dark
 In my search for a loving hand.

For it's here a still, deep woodland lies,
 With spurs of pine and sheaves of fern;
But I wander wild, and wail like a child
 For a face that will never return!

And it's here a mighty water flows,
 With drifts of wind and wimpled waves;
But the darling head of a dear one dead
 Is hidden beneath its caves.

Henry Kendall’s other poems:

  1. Early Poems (1859-70). Deniehy’s Dream
  2. Early Poems (1859-70). Rizpah
  3. Early Poems (1859-70). Elijah
  4. Early Poems (1859-70). Euterpe
  5. Other Poems (1871-82). Sydney Exhibition Cantata

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