Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк)

Remarks about Kings

”God said I am tired of kings.” -- EMERSON 

God said, ”I am tired of kings,”--
But that was a long while ago! 
And meantime man said, ”No,--
I like their looks in their robes and rings.” 
So he crowned a few more,
And they went on playing the game as before,
Fighting and spoiling things. 

Man said, ”I am tired of kings!
Sons of the robber-chiefs of yore,
They make me pay for their lust and their war;
I am the puppet, they pull the strings; 
The blood of my heart is the wine they drink.
I will govern myself for awhile I think, 
And see what that brings!” 

Then God, who made the first remark, 
Smiled in the dark.

Henry Van Dyke’s other poems:

  1. The Statue of Sherman by St. Gaudens
  2. The Wind of Sorrow
  3. Spring in the South
  4. Sea-Gulls of Manhattan
  5. The Glory of Ships

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