Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк)

The Child in the Garden

When to the garden of untroubled thought
    I came of late, and saw the open door,
    And wished again to enter, and explore
The sweet, wild ways with stainless bloom inwrought,
And bowers of innocence with beauty fraught,
  It seemed some purer voice must speak before
  I dared to tread that garden loved of yore,
That Eden lost unknown and found unsought.

Then just within the gate I saw a child, --
  A stranger-child, yet to my heart most dear;
He held his hands to me, and softly smiled
  With eyes that knew no shade of sin or fear:
”Come in,” he said, ”and play awhile with me;”
”I am the little child you used to be.”

Henry Van Dyke’s other poems:

  1. The Statue of Sherman by St. Gaudens
  2. The Wind of Sorrow
  3. Spring in the South
  4. The Glory of Ships
  5. The Oxford Thrushes

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