Hilaire Belloc (Хилар Беллок)

The Statue

When we are dead, some Hunting-boy will pass
And find a stone half-hidden in tall grass
And grey with age: but having seen that stone
(Which was your image), ride more slowly on.

Hilaire Belloc’s other poems:

  1. On Torture: A Public Singer
  2. Ha’nacker Mill
  3. Time Cures All
  4. Hildebrand
  5. Lines For A Christmas Card

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Clinton Scollard (Клинтон Сколлард) The Statue (“As perfect in their symmetry as thine”)
  • Ella Wilcox (Элла Уилкокс) The Statue (“A granite rock in the mountain side”)


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