Hilda Doolittle (Хильда Дулитл)

From Citron-Bower

From citron-bower be her bed, 
cut from branch of tree a-flower, 
fashioned for her maidenhead.

From Lydian apples, sweet of hue, 
cut the width of board and lathe, 
carve the feet from myrtle-wood.

Let the palings of her bed 
be quince and box-wood overlaid 
with the scented bark of yew.

That all the wood in blossoming, 
may calm her heart and cool her blood, 
for losing of her maidenhood.

Hilda Doolittle’s other poems:

  1. Holy Satyr
  2. The Pool
  3. The Mysteries Remain
  4. Cities
  5. Acon

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