Ina Donna Coolbrith (Ина Донна Кулбрит)

A Birthday Rhyme

So glide the days, dear! Dawn will not delay,
Noontide will come, nor linger in its flight;
And even-time in turn must pass away
Into the darkness of a dreamless night.
Hold fast, Beloved, thy season of delight:
Make merry while the morning gilds the sky,
And dews undried upon the roses lie;
Thy golden morn of May-time, brief as bright.
For labor waits; and cares thou canst not miss;
Grief for thy gladness, and for laughter, tears.
Ah, love! if only love might spare thee this-
Might hold a little farther off the years! -
A little longer bind thy winged feet,
O youth, -most swift in passing, and most sweet!

Ina Donna Coolbrith’s other poems:

  1. In Ended Days, a Child, I Trod Thy Sands
  2. Love-Song
  3. The Day of Our Lord
  4. Return
  5. Bret Harte (A stir of pines in the forest)

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