Ina Donna Coolbrith (Ина Донна Кулбрит)

A Hope

IT befell me on a day —
Long ago; ah, long ago!
When my life was in its May,
In the May - month of the year.
All the orchards were like snow
With pink - flushes there and here;
And a bird sang, building near,
And a bird sang far away,
Where the early twilight lay.

Long ago! ah, long ago!
Youth's sweet May passed quite away
May that never more is May!
Yet I hear the nightingale
Singing far adown the vale
Where the early twilight lies,
Singing sad, and sweet, and strong
And I wonder if the song
May be heard in Paradise!

Ina Donna Coolbrith’s other poems:

  1. In Ended Days, a Child, I Trod Thy Sands
  2. Love-Song
  3. The Day of Our Lord
  4. Return
  5. Bret Harte (A stir of pines in the forest)

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