Jane Austen (Джейн Остин)

Miss Lloyd Has Now Went to Miss Green

Miss Lloyd has now sent to Miss Green,
As, on opening the box, may be seen,
Some years of a Black Ploughman’s Gauze,
To be made up directly, because
Miss Lloyd must in mourning appear
For the death of a Relative dear--
Miss Lloyd must expect to receive
This license to mourn and to grieve,
Complete, ere the end of the week--
It is better to write than to speak

Jane Austen’s other poems:

  1. When Stretch’d on One’s Bed
  2. Of a Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean
  3. To the Memory of Mrs. Lefroy Who Died December 16 – My Birthday.
  4. See They Come, Post Haste from Thanet
  5. Mock Panegyric on a Young Friend

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