Jane Austen (Джейн Остин)

* * *

See they come, post haste from Thanet,
Lovely couple, side by side;
They’ve left behind them Richard Kennet
With the Parents of the Bride! 
Canterbury they have passed through;
Next succeeded Stamford-bridge;
Chilham village they came fast through;
Now they’ve mounted yonder ridge. 

Down the hill they’re swift proceeding,
Now they skirt the Park around;
Lo! The Cattle sweetly feeding
Scamper, startled at the sound! 

Run, my Brothers, to the Pier gate!
Throw it open, very wide!
Let it not be said that we’re late
In welcoming my Uncle’s Bride! 

To the house the chaise advances;
Now it stops--They’re here, they’re here!
How d’ye do, my Uncle Francis?
How does do your Lady dear?

Jane Austen’s other poems:

  1. When Stretch’d on One’s Bed
  2. Of a Ministry Pitiful, Angry, Mean
  3. To the Memory of Mrs. Lefroy Who Died December 16 – My Birthday.
  4. Mock Panegyric on a Young Friend
  5. Ode to Pity

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