John Bannister Tabb (Джон Банистер Табб)

Indian Summer

NO more the battle or the chase
   The phantom tribes pursue,
But each in its accustomed place
   The Autumn hails anew:
And still from solemn councils set
   On every hill and plain,
The smoke of many a calumet*
   Ascends to heaven again.

* [Amer. indian peace pipe]

John Bannister Tabb’s other poems:

  1. Chimney Stacks
  2. The Bobolink
  3. The Bee and the Blossoms
  4. The Honey-Bee
  5. The Pleiads

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Hamlin Garland (Гэмлин Гарленд) Indian Summer (“AT last there came”)
  • Lydia Sigourney (Лидия Сигурни) Indian Summer (“WHEN was the redman’s summer?”)
  • Sara Teasdale (Сара Тисдейл) Indian Summer (“LYRIC night of the lingering Indian summer”)
  • Henry Van Dyke (Генри Ван Дайк) Indian Summer (“A soft veil dims the tender skies”)
  • Katharine Tynan (Кэтрин Тайнен) Indian Summer (“This is the sign!”)


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