John Godfrey Saxe (Джон Годфри Сакс)

To My Love

Kiss me softly and speak to me low;
Malice has ever a vigilant ear;
What if Malice were lurking near?
Kiss me, dear!
Kiss me softly and speak to me low.

Kiss me softly and speak to me low;
Envy, too, has a watchful ear;
What if Envy should chance to hear?
Kiss me, dear!
Kiss me softly and speak to me low,

Kiss me softly and speak to me low;
Trust me, darling, the time is near
When lovers may love with never a fear;
Kiss me, dear!
Kiss me softly and speak to me low.

John Godfrey Saxe’s other poems:

  1. My Familiar
  2. A Persian Tale
  3. Early Rising
  4. Rhyme of the Rail
  5. How Cyrus Laid the Cable

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