Jones Very (Джонс Вери)


The bubbling brook doth leap when I come by,
Because my feet find measure with its call;
The birds know when the friend they love is nigh,
For I am known to them, both great and small.
The flower that on the lonely hillside grows
Expects me there when spring its bloom has given;
And many a tree and bush my wanderings knows,
And e'en the clouds and silent stars of heaven;
For he who with his Maker walks aright,
Shall be their lord as Adam was before;
His ear shall catch each sound with new delight,
Each object wear the dress that then it wore;
And he, as when erect in soul he stood,
Hear from his Father's lips that all is good.

Jones Very’s other poems:

  1. The Light from Within
  2. To the Hummingbird
  3. To the Fossil Flower
  4. The Poor
  5. The Grave Yard

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • George Herbert (Джордж Герберт (Херберт)) Nature (“Full of rebellion, I would die”)
  • Henry Longfellow (Генри Лонгфелло) Nature (“As a fond mother, when the day is o’er”)

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