Josephine Preston Peabody (Жозефина Престон Пибоди)


    When I've wished on my first star,
      While the rest begin,
    And the grass is waking up,
      Oh, She calls us in!--
      Then She calls us in.

    But I wouldn't go, unless
      I were sure there'd be
    Something more like that, indoors,
      Something more to see,--
      Beautiful to see.

    So She lights the candle then,
      Where the shadows are,
    And it stands, and holds its breath--
      Then it makes a Star,--
      Then it makes a Star!

    I curl up for my good-night,
      Dark, where I can see.
    And I watch the Candle-light
      Till It looks at me,
      Oh, It looks at me!

Josephine Preston Peabody’s other poems:

  1. Polite Visitor
  2. The Mystic
  3. The Play’s the Thing
  4. The Masterpiece
  5. The Sorrows

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