Josephine Preston Peabody (Жозефина Престон Пибоди)

Ode on the Dog


My Pitch-dark Angel with a Rosy Tongue,
        My Own--my Own,
Why can't the grown-up Things we live among
        Let us alone?
Why do they have to talk the livelong day
    About such silly things?
But if they must,--why can't they, anyway,
    Have either Tails or Wings?


Of Course I cannot love them as they are,
        As much as You.
Why aren't they ever really Beautiful,
        --They too?--
    With curly coats, like wool;
    And floppy ears to pull;
Yes, and a wide pink mouth, with such a Smile!
Yes, and a Tail that beats time all the while;
        Beautiful, Beautiful!--
    And golden stars, for eyes,
    Behind the darkest trees
    (Till your hair's parted)!
Why can't they have such darling ways as these?--
Why can't they be so lovely when they sneeze?--
Why can't they ever be so tender-hearted,
    Or even look so wise
        As You?--
My Wonderful (even if you Won't say _Mew_),
    My True Prince in Disguise!
        Why can't they be
As funny, when they try to sing a song?
    And when, for everything that I can do,
        They Won't Agree,--
Why can't they think they're always in the wrong?
        --Like You!


    Why you,--O Precious Thing,
You are swift (almost) as any Sparrow.--
Over the tall grass how you arch and spring,
    Yes, like a bow and arrow!--
Oh, and how good to see you, when it snows,
Plough a long, lovely pathway with your nose!
    (No one grown-up could do it, I suppose.)


My dearest Blessing and my Very Own,
    Even when I am grown,
    Never do you forsake me!
If you don't go to heaven when you die,
      --Neither will I:
    Nothing can ever make me!
        I won't go,
    For all that they can do.
No; on the steps Outside, and down, below,
  Forever and ever and ever, I'll stay too!
        --With You.

Josephine Preston Peabody’s other poems:

  1. Polite Visitor
  2. The Mystic
  3. The Play’s the Thing
  4. The Masterpiece
  5. The Sorrows

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