Josephine Preston Peabody (Жозефина Престон Пибоди)

Pigeons Out Walking

They never seem to hurry,--no,
  Even for the crowd.
They dip, and coo, and move as slow,
  All so soft and proud!
You can see the wavy specks
Of bubble-color on their necks;
  --Little, little Cloud.

Cloud that goes, the very way
  All the Bubbles do:
Blue and green, and green and gray,
  Gold and rosy, too.
And they talk as Bubbles could
If they only ever would
  Talk and call and coo!

--Till you try to catch one so,
  Just to make it stay
While the colors turn. But Oh,
  Then they fly away!--
All at once, two, three, four, five--
Like a snowstorm all alive,--
  Gray and white, and gray!

Josephine Preston Peabody’s other poems:

  1. Polite Visitor
  2. The Mystic
  3. The Play’s the Thing
  4. The Masterpiece
  5. The Sorrows

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