My Fairy
I have a fairy by my side Which says I must not sleep, When once in pain I loudly cried It said "You must not weep" If, full of mirth, I smile and grin, It says "You must not laugh" When once I wished to drink some gin It said "You must not quaff". When once a meal I wished to taste It said "You must not bite" When to the wars I went in haste It said "You must not fight". "What may I do?" at length I cried, Tired of the painful task. The fairy quietly replied, And said "You must not ask". Moral: "You mustn't."
Lewis Carroll’s other poems:
- Выборы в Совет Оксфордского университета • The Elections to the Hebdomadal Council
- Пилигримлянин • The Wandering Burgess
- Он прав, миляга! • What Tottles Meant
- Покинутые парки • The Deserted Parks
- Охота на Снарка. Трали-Врали в Восьми Финтах. Финт Шестой. Сон Балабола • The Hunting of the Snark. Fit the Sixth. The Barrister’s Dream