Lloyd Mifflin (Ллойд Миффлин)

On the Twilight Headland–Theseus and Ariadne

Dear Love, lean nearer--let your finger-tips
Reach till they touch the rose within my palm.
Through the hushed dusk I feel the fragrant balm
Of your faint breathing as the tired breast dips
And rises, drowsful as a bee that sips
Honey too avid from the numbing flowers. . .
Close the sad eyes, and for one little hour
Let slumber soothe the dear, leave-taking lips.
Ah, sweet! were it not better for each heart
Before the cruel years achieve their will--
For us, who must irrevocably part,
To pass the lintel of the door of Death
Lip touching lip, I breathing faintly still
The poignant sweetness of your fading breath?

Lloyd Mifflin’s other poems:

  1. He Made the Stars Also
  2. To a Maple Seed
  3. The Sovereigns
  4. Fiat Lux
  5. Sesostris

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