Lloyd Mifflin (Ллойд Миффлин)


Sole Lord of Lords and very King of Kings,
He sits within the desert, carved in stone;
Inscrutable, colossal, and alone,
And ancienter than memory of things.
Graved on his front the sacred beetle clings;
Disdain sits on his lips; and in a frown
Scorn lives upon his forehead for a crown.
The affrighted ostrich dares not dust her wings
Anear this Presence. The long caravan's
Dazed camels pause, and mute the Bedouins stare.
This symbol of past power more than man's
Presages doom. Kings look--and Kings despair:
The sceptres tremble in their jeweled hands
And dark thrones totter in the baleful air! 

Lloyd Mifflin’s other poems:

  1. He Made the Stars Also
  2. To a Maple Seed
  3. The Sovereigns
  4. Fiat Lux
  5. On the Twilight Headland–Theseus and Ariadne

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