Lucy Maud Montgomery (Люси Мод Монтгомери)

Down Home

Down home to-night the moonshine falls
Across a hill with daisies pied,
The pear tree by the garden gate
Beckons with white arms like a bride. 

A savor as of trampled fern
Along the whispering meadow stirs,
And, beacon of immortal love,
A light is shining through the firs. 

To my old gable window creeps
The night wind with a sigh and song,
And, weaving ancient sorceries,
Thereto the gleeful moonbeams throng 

Beside the open kitchen door
My mother stands all lovingly,
And o’er the pathways of the dark
She sends a yearning thought to me. 

It seeks and finds my answering heart
Which shall no more be peace-possessed
Until I reach her empty arms
And lay my head upon her breast.

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s other poems:

  1. On the Bay
  2. The Hill Maples
  3. The Truce of Night
  4. When the Fishing Boats Go Out
  5. Rain along Shore


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