Lucy Maud Montgomery (Люси Мод Монтгомери)

Harbor Moonrise

There is never a wind to sing o’er the sea 
On its dimpled bosom that holdeth in fee 
Wealth of silver and magicry; 
And the harbor is like to an ebon cup 
With mother-o’-pearl to the lips lined up, 
And brimmed with the wine of entranced delight, 
Purple and rare, from the flagon of night. 

Lo, in the east is a glamor and gleam, 
Like waves that lap on the shores of dream, 
Or voice their lure in a poet’s theme! 
And behind the curtseying fisher boats 
The barge of the rising moon upfloats, 
The pilot ship over unknown seas 
Of treasure-laden cloud argosies. 

Ere ever she drifts from the ocean’s rim, 
Out from the background of shadows dim, 
Stealeth a boat o’er her golden rim; 
Noiselessly, swiftly, it swayeth by 
Into the bourne of enchanted sky, 
Like a fairy shallop that seeks the strand 
Of a far and uncharted fairyland. 

Now, ere the sleeping winds may stir, 
Send, O, my heart, a wish with her, 
Like to a venturous mariner; 
For who knoweth but that on an elfin sea 
She may meet the bark that is sailing to thee, 
And, winging thy message across the foam, 
May hasten the hour when thy ship comes home?

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s other poems:

  1. On the Bay
  2. The Hill Maples
  3. The Truce of Night
  4. When the Fishing Boats Go Out
  5. Rain along Shore


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