Lucy Maud Montgomery (Люси Мод Монтгомери)

Two Loves

One said; ”Lo, I would walk hand-clasped with thee
Adown the ways of joy and sunlit slopes
Of earthly song in happiest vagrancy
To pluck the blossom of a thousand hopes. 
Let us together drain the wide world’s cup 
With gladness brimm’ed up!” 

And one said, ”I would pray to go with thee
When sorrow claims thee; I would fence thy heart
With mine against all anguish; I would be
The comforter and healer of thy smart; 
And I would count it all the wide world’s gain 
To spare or share thy pain!”

Lucy Maud Montgomery’s other poems:

  1. When the Fishing Boats Go Out
  2. On the Bay
  3. The Hill Maples
  4. The Truce of Night
  5. With Tears They Buried You Today


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