Madison Julius Cawein (Мэдисон Джулиус Кавейн)


Now to my lips lift then some opiate
Of black forgetfulness! while in thy gaze
Still lures the loveless beauty that betrays,
And in thy mouth the music that is hate.
No promise more hast thou to make me wait;
No smile to cozen my sick heart with praise!
Far, far behind thee stretch laborious days,
And far before thee, labors soon and late.
Thine is the fen-fire that we deem a star,
Flying before us, ever fugitive,
Thy mocking policy still holds afar:
And thine the voice, to which our longings give
Hope's siren face, that speaks us sweet and fair,
Only to lead us captives to Despair.

Madison Julius Cawein’s other poems:

  1. Annisquam
  2. At the Ferry
  3. Baby Mary
  4. Before the End
  5. Bertrand De Born

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик)) Ambition (“In man, ambition is the common’st thing”)
  • Edward Thomas (Эдвард Томас) Ambition (“Unless it was that day I never knew”)
  • Robert Service (Роберт Сервис) Ambition (“They brought the mighty chief to town”)

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