Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон)


SLOW the limpid currents twining,
Brawl along the lonely dell,
’Till in one wild stream combining,
Nought its rapid course can quell;
So at first LOVE’S poisons stealing,
Round the heart unheeded play,
While we hope our pangs concealing,
Vainly hope to check his sway. 

If amidst the glassy river
Aught impedes its placid course,
Ah ! it glides more swift than ever,
While opposing gives it force;
So when HOPE and PASSION blending,
Warm the feeble trembling frame;
REASON sickens by contending,
Fanning only feeds the flame.

Mary Robinson’s other poems:

  1. Sonnet to Amicus
  2. To Cesario
  3. Ode on Adversity
  4. Sonnet 11. O! Reason!
  5. Sonnet 19. Farewell, Ye Coral Caves

Poems of other poets with the same name (Стихотворения других поэтов с таким же названием):

  • Oscar Wilde (Оскар Уайльд) Canzonet (“I have no store”)


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