Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон)

Sonnet 19. Farewell, Ye Coral Caves

Farewell, ye coral caves, ye pearly sands,
Ye waving woods that crown yon lofty steep;
Farewell, ye Nereides of the glitt’ring deep,
Ye mountain tribes, ye fawns, ye sylvan bands:
On the bleak rock your frantic minstrel stands,
Each task forgot, save that, to sigh and weep;
In vain the strings her burning fingers sweep,
No more her touch, the Grecian Lyre commands!
In Circe’s cave my faithless Phaon’s laid,
Her daemons dress his brow with opiate flow’rs;
Or, loit’ring in the brown pomgranate shade,
Beguile with am’rous strains the fateful hours;
While Sappho’s lips, to paly ashes fade,
And sorrow’s cank’ring worm her heart devours!

Mary Robinson’s other poems:

  1. Sonnet to Amicus
  2. To Cesario
  3. Stanzas to Love
  4. Sonnet 24. O Thou! Meek Orb
  5. The Granny Grey, a Love Tale


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