Mary Robinson (Мэри Робинсон)

Sonnet 22. Wild Is the Foaming Sea

Wild is the foaming Sea! The surges roar!
And nimbly dart the livid lightnings round!
On the rent rock the angry waves rebound;
Ah me! the less’ning bark is seen no more!
Along the margin of the trembling shore,
Loud as the blast my frantic cries shall sound,
My storm-drench’d limbs the flinty fragments wound,
And o’er my bleeding breast the billows pour!
Phaon! return! ye winds, O! waft the strain
To his swift bark; ye barb’rous waves forbear!
Taunt not the anguish of a lover’s brain,
Nor feebly emulate the soul’s despair!
For howling winds, and foaming seas, in vain
Assail the breast, when passion rages there!

Mary Robinson’s other poems:

  1. Sonnet to Amicus
  2. To Cesario
  3. Stanzas to Love
  4. Sonnet 24. O Thou! Meek Orb
  5. The Granny Grey, a Love Tale


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