Nicholas Breton (Николас Бретон)

A Report Song in a Dream, between a shepherd and his nymph

Shall we go dance the hay? The hay?
Never pipe could ever play
  Better shepherd's roundelay.

Shall we go sing the song? The song?
Never Love did ever wrong.
  Fair maids, hold hands all along.

Shall we go learn to woo? To woo?
Never thought came ever to[o](?)
  Better deed could better do.

Shall we go learn to kiss? To kiss?
Never heart could ever miss
  Comfort where true meaning is.

Thus at base they run, They run,
When the sport was scarce begun;
  But I waked, and all was done.

Nicholas Breton’s other poems:

  1. Who Can Live in Heart So Glad
  2. A Sweet Contention between Love, his Mistress, and Beauty
  3. Aglaia
  4. A Quarrel with Love
  5. A Sweet Pastoral

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