Norman Rowland Gale (Норман Гейл)

A Long Grace

  (W.G. Grace's XI. versus XXII. of Bath.)

  Nothing went right. The Champion cut
  And drove and glanced, and cut again,
    Till every bowler we possessed
    Deep down within his smarting breast
  Half wished he'd lost that early train!
      Dobbin went on with Sneaks,
      Robin appeared with Tweaks,
    And Diccory Dizzard, as fast as a blizzard,
    Contributed Lightning Streaks!

  Nothing went right. The Champion's bat
  Seemed twice the breadth of postern door.
    The leather flew at pace immense
    To crackle on the boundary fence,
  Acknowledged by the public roar.
      Dobbin went on with Tweaks,
      Robin obliged with Sneaks,
    And Diccory Dizzard, as fast as a blizzard,
      Exhibited Lightning Streaks!

  Nothing went right. At last, at last
  A bell (than Angelus more fair!)
    Rang respite for the fieldsmen who,
    By sprinting hard from twelve to two,
  Had scarce a ragged breath to spare.
      Robin abstained from Sneaks,
      Dobbin abandoned Tweaks,
    And Diccory Dizzard, as fast as a blizzard,
      Prohibited Lightning Streaks!

  Luncheon went right. The weary team
  Found benches, beer, and salad sweet.
    But asking blessing was too bad,
    Because they all were somewhat sad
  From too much Grace before their meat!
      Health to your noble name,
      Monarch in fact and fame,
    From twenty-two hearty lads in a party
      Broadened and bronzed by the Game!

Norman Rowland Gale’s other poems:

  1. The Church Cricketant
  2. Revenge
  3. The Hope of Surrey
  4. The Last Ball of Summer
  5. The Commentator

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