Norman Rowland Gale (Норман Гейл)


    In dazzling pads Bombastes went
      To give the bowling Beans;
    He stalked along in sweet content,
      Triumphant in his 'teens.
    He launched his muscle at a Slow,
      But heard the timber clink;
    Bombastes homeward sped and said,
      'Whatever do you think?
    Bowled by a beastly lob, confound it!
    Jumped in too far and hit all round it!
    Easy enough to now expound it--
      Bowled by a beastly lob!'

    At luncheon-time Bombastes swore,
      By oaths not one, nor twain,
    That he would make the fielders sore
      When he went in again!
    A second time the hero strode
      With Allsopp in his head;
    Bombastes missed the first; he cursed
      Consumedly, and said--
    'Bowled by a beastly lob, confound it!
    Jumped in too far and hit all round it!
    Easy enough to now expound it--
      Bowled by a beastly lob!'

    May ev'ry braggart talking big
      Secure the Double Duck!
    By Roman grape and Grecian fig
      I wish him dirty luck!

    May underhanded artfulness
      Precipitate his end,
    His only comfort be, at tea,
      To moan before a friend--
    'Bowled by a beastly lob, confound it!
    Jumped in too far and hit all round it!
    Easy enough to now expound it--
      Bowled by a beastly lob!'

Norman Rowland Gale’s other poems:

  1. The Church Cricketant
  2. Revenge
  3. The Hope of Surrey
  4. The Last Ball of Summer
  5. The Commentator

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