Norman Rowland Gale (Норман Гейл)


    O very potent little word,
    How often have we sadly heard
    When stupid umpires surely sin,
    Just as to settle we begin,
    And say, in place of saying 'in,'

    Though I am Captain of the team,
    Though I in doubt may gravely seem,
    Though I have barely scored a run
    My average goes down with one,
    And other Bats must have the fun--

    I see Jones laugh behind his hand--
    Next match, by Jove, the brute shall stand
    Our cousin, Lydia Lake, is here,
    And in her eyes I would appear
    A Swell; _hinc illae_--Jones's sneer--

    Ah! lucky Jones begins to hit
    Another four! I wish he'd get
    I see him look where Lydia sits
    To note if she applauds his hits--
    She does! She'll burst her gloves to bits!--

    Yet why should I be Jones's butt,
    I have a plan that chap to cut
    What boots it thus to mope, my soul?
    I go to sit by Lydia. Scowl,
    O Jones, for you, methinks, I bowl

Norman Rowland Gale’s other poems:

  1. The Church Cricketant
  2. Revenge
  3. The Hope of Surrey
  4. The Last Ball of Summer
  5. The Commentator

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