Oliver Goldsmith (Оливер Голдсмит)
Epitaph on Thomas Parnell
THIS tomb, inscrib'd to gentle Parnell's name, May speak our gratitude, but not his fame. What heart but feels his sweetly-moral lay, That leads to truth through pleasure's flowery way! Celestial themes confess'd his tuneful aid; And Heaven, that lent him genius, was repaid. Needless to him the tribute we bestow -- The transitory breath of fame below: More lasting rapture from his works shall rise, While Converts thank their poet in the skies.
Перевод на русский язык
Эпитафия Томасу Парнеллу
Могилу, в коей кроткий Парнелл спит, Не слава, но признательность кропит. Его нравоучений строй певучий Вел душу к истине стезей созвучий, Он пел небесное своей цевницей - За щедрость Небу отплатил сторицей. Нет нужды льстить ему хвалений данью Пресеклось славы краткое дыханье, Но долговечны книги - духа яства. Их воспоет признательная паства. Перевод А. Парина
Oliver Goldsmith’s other poems:
- Answer to an Invitation to Pass the Christmas at Barton
- On Seeing a Lady Perform a Certain Character
- From the Latin of Vida
- Song, from the Comedy of “She Stoops to Conquer”
- A Sonnet