Paul Hamilton Hayne (Пол Гамильтон Хейн)

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PENT in this common sphere of sensual shows,
I pine for beauty; beauty of fresh mien,
And gentle utterance, and the charm serene,
Wherewith the hue of mystic dream-land glows;
I pine for loving music, the repose
Of low-voiced waters, in some realm between
The perfect Adenne, and this clouded scene
Of love's sad loss, and passion's mournful throes;
A pleasant country, girt with twilight calm,
In whose fair heaven a moon of shadowy round
Wades through a fading fall of sunset rain;
Where drooping lotos-flowers, distilling balm,
Gleam by the drowsy streamlets sleep hath crown'd,
While Care forgets to sigh, and Peace hath balsamed Pain.

Paul Hamilton Hayne’s other poems:

  1. The True Heaven
  2. A Comparison
  3. “The Old Man of the Sea”
  4. A Meeting of the Birds
  5. A Lyrical Picture

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