Philip Morin Freneau (Филип Морен Френо)
On the Universality and Other Attributes of the God of Nature
ALL that we see, about, abroad, What is it all, but nature's God? In meaner works discovered here No less than in the starry sphere. In seas, on earth, this God is seen; All that exist, upon Him lean; He lives in all, and never strayed A moment from the works He made: His system fixed on general laws Bespeaks a wise creating cause; Impartially He rules mankind And all that on this globe we find. Unchanged in all that seems to change, Unbounded space is His great range; To one vast purpose always true, No time, with Him, is old or new. In all the attributes divine Unlimited perfectings shine; In these enwrapt, in these complete, All virtues in that centre meet. This power doth all powers transcend, To all intelligence a friend, Exists, the greatest and the best Throughout all the worlds, to make them blest. All that He did He first approved, He all things into being loved; O'er all He made He still presides, For them in life, or death provides.
Philip Morin Freneau’s other poems: