Richard Watson Gilder (Ричард Уотсон Гилдер)

The New Day. Part 2. 4. Written on a Fly-Leaf of “Shakespeare’s Sonnets”

When shall true love be love without alloy—
⁠     Shine free at last from sinful circumstance!
     ⁠When shall the canker of unheavenly chance
     ⁠Eat not the bud of that most heavenly joy!
When shall true love meet love not as a coy
     ⁠Retreating light that leads a deathful dance,
     ⁠But as a firm fixt fire that doth enhance
     ⁠The beauty of all beauty! Will the employ
Of poets ever be too well to show
     ⁠That mightiest love with sharpest pain doth writhe;
     ⁠That underneath the fair, caressing glove
Hides evermore the iron hand; and tho'
     ⁠Love's flower alone is good, if we would prove
     ⁠Its perfect bloom, our breath slays like a scythe!

Richard Watson Gilder’s other poems:

  1. The New Day. Part 3. 30. The Sower
  2. The New Day. Part 3. 4. “What Would I Win Thee To?”
  3. The New Day. Part 3. 15. Listening to Music
  4. The New Day. Part 3. 22. The Lover’s Lord and Master
  5. The New Day. Part 3. 23. Song (My love grew with the growing night)

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