Richard Watson Gilder (Ричард Уотсон Гилдер)

The New Day. Part 4. 12. “My Songs Are All of Thee, What Tho’ I Sing”

My songs are all of thee, what tho' I sing
⁠     Of morning when the stars are yet in sight,
     ⁠Of evening, or the melancholy night,
⁠     Of birds that o'er the reddening waters wing;
Of song, of fire, of winds, or mists that cling
     ⁠To mountain-tops, of winter all in white,
     ⁠Of rivers that toward ocean take their flight,
⁠     Of summer when the rose is blossoming.
I think no thought that is not thine, no breath
⁠     Of life I breathe beyond thy sanctity;
⁠     Thou art the voice that silence uttereth,
And of all sound thou art the sense. From thee
⁠     The music of my song, and what it saith
     ⁠Is but the beat of thy heart, throbbed through me. 

Richard Watson Gilder’s other poems:

  1. The New Day. Part 3. 30. The Sower
  2. The New Day. Part 3. 4. “What Would I Win Thee To?”
  3. The New Day. Part 3. 15. Listening to Music
  4. The New Day. Part 3. 22. The Lover’s Lord and Master
  5. The New Day. Part 3. 23. Song (My love grew with the growing night)

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