Robert Burns (Роберт Бернс)

* * *

JENNY M’Craw, she has ta’en to the heather,
Say, was it the covenant carried her thither;
Jenny M’Craw to the mountains is gane,
Their leagues and their covenants a’ she has ta’en
My head and my heart, now, quo’ she, are at rest,
And as for the lave, let the Deil do his best.

Перевод на русский язык

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© Перевод Евг. Фельдмана
11.11.2007 (ред.)
Все переводы Евгения Фельдмана

Robert Burns’s other poems:

  1. Ode, Sacred to the Memory of Mrs. Oswald
  2. It Is Na, Jean, Thy Bonnie Face
  3. I’m Owre Young to Marry Yet
  4. Young Peggy
  5. Young Highland Rover

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