Robert Craggs, Earl Nugent (Роберт Крэггз, граф Ньюджент)

Epigram 10. WHILE Lucy, chaste as mountain snows

WHILE Lucy, chaste as mountain snows,
Gives every idle fop a hearing;
In Mary's breast a passion glows,
Which stronger is from not appearing.
Say, who has chose the better part!
Mary to whom no joy is missing;
Or she, who dupe to her own heart,
Pays the full price of Mary's kissing.

Robert Craggs, Earl Nugent’s other poems:

  1. Epigram 2. SInce first you knew my am’rous smart
  2. Epigram 1. I Lov’d thee beautiful and kind
  3. Epigram 12. WE thought you without titles great
  4. Epigram 5. THO’ cheerful, discreet, and with freedom well bred
  5. Epigram 14. TOM thought a wild profusion great


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