Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

Art above Nature: to Julia

When I behold a forest spread
With silken trees upon thy head;
And when I see that other dress
Of flowers set in comeliness;
When I behold another grace
In the ascent of curious lace,
Which, like a pinnacle, doth shew
The top, and the top-gallant too;
Then, when I see thy tresses bound
Into an oval, square, or round,
And knit in knots far more than I.
Can tell by tongue, or True-love tie;
Next, when those lawny films I see
Play with a wild civility;
And all those airy silks to flow,
Alluring me, and tempting so—
I must confess, mine eye and heart
Dotes less on nature than on art.

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  2. The Definition of Beauty
  3. The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day
  4. The Hock-Cart, or Harvest Home: to the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland
  5. The Cheat of Cupid; or, the Ungentle Guest

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