Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

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Be my mistress short or tall
And distorted therewithall
Be she likewise one of those
That an acre hath of nose
Be her teeth ill hung or set
And her grinders black as jet
Be her cheeks so shallow too
As to show her tongue wag through
Hath she thin hair, hath she none
She's to me a paragon. 

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  2. The Definition of Beauty
  3. The Ceremonies for Candlemas Day
  4. The Hock-Cart, or Harvest Home: to the Right Honourable Mildmay, Earl of Westmorland
  5. The Cheat of Cupid; or, the Ungentle Guest

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