Robert Herrick (Роберт Геррик (Херрик))

The Old Wives’ Prayer

Holy-Rood, come forth and shield
Us i' th' city and the field;
Safely guard us, now and aye,
From the blast that burns by day;
And those sounds that us affright
In the dead of dampish night;
Drive all hurtful fiends us fro,
By the time the cocks first crow.

Robert Herrick’s other poems:

  1. The Present Time Best Pleaseth
  2. A Paranaeticall, or Advisive Verse to His Friend, Mr John Wicks
  3. The Rock of Rubies, and the Quarry of Pearls
  4. Upon Julia’s Recovery
  5. To His Mistress, Objecting to Him Neither Toying or Talking

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